The Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Online Dating
by Chuck Miller
Online Dating Offers AMAZING Opportunities to Find Love
Following These Do’s and Don’ts Will Help!
Once a cultural taboo, Internet dating has become more widespread and socially acceptable with each passing year. To date, more than 49 million Americans have pursued a relationship online with 20 percent of present, committed relationships beginning through the same venue. However, not everyone gets it right when they begin to date online. That’s the reason for this guide. It points out the most important practices to implement and those to avoid in order to jumpstart your online dating adventure.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Online Dating Includes…
♥︎ Guidance in selecting the best venue for finding the love of your life.
♥︎ Dating safely tips to protect you from devious and unscrupulous characters.
♥︎ Suggestions for creating an honest profile that accurately represents you.
♥︎ Recommendations on best practices for making a positive impression.
♥︎ Assistance in making informed decisions as you evaluate potential matches.
♥︎ Pointers on what to share with others and what should remain confidential.
About the Author, Chuck Miller
Author of Discovering Love Online: Love May Be Closer Than You Think, founder of indie publishing house Propeller Cap, LLC and a former singles ministry director, Chuck Miller brings a diverse background and nearly four decades of experience as a journalist, editor, publisher and pastor to his written portfolio.
Get a Head Start in Online Dating!
Packed with helpful advice, The Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Online Dating offers to jumpstart your quest to find the love of your life. Scroll to the top of the page and order your copy today!